Historian Warns 4 Out of 5 Major Predictors for US Civil War Have Already Taken Place

A noted historian, demographer, and author Neil Howe has warned that the United States is on the verge of another civil war.

In the book The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy, that he co authored, Howe noted that four out of five major predictors for a crisis have already happened. This, he warns, has left the country on the edge of unparalleled internal conflict.

Activist Post reports: In a recent interview with the Daily Signal, Howe summarized the factors he considers are pushing the American nation toward a possible civil war.

He said the first of four that have come to pass is a “crisis over debt,” which Howe referred to as a “new tea party movement,” which manifested during the 2010 political conflicts under the same name.

The second is a WMD (weapon of mass destruction) attack on a major American city, this being the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attack on New York City. Howe said the terrorist attacks accomplished this prediction by bringing destruction and enduring consequences.

The third was the pandemic, specifically the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic which swept across the world beginning in 2020.

The fourth one was Russia invading a former soviet republic. This was fulfilled when Russia began its special military operation in Ukraine in February 2022, and it connects with his prediction of international tensions reaching a fever pitch.

Nullification crisis could be the tipping point that drops America into chaos

Howe said the only remaining predictor is a nullification crisis, where “one or more of the states would actually nullify federal regulation, which could lead to a new secession movement.”

Such an event could be the tipping point that drops the country into chaos.

Howe’s theory is based upon the concept of “fourth turnings,” which are cyclical events that happen every 80 to 100 years and set off major turmoil like the Great Depression or World War II.

He believes the U.S. is currently experiencing one of these fourth turnings, characterized by today’s intense political polarization and cultural clashes.

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